Now, I really love my scraps. If you've ever seen my stash you know that I have a
Pile-O-Scraps, not just a little bucket or box. If you need a particular theme or color scheme, I probably have it. If you need that specific shade of puce solid card stock, I probably have it. If you need a mirror paper in hot pink, I probably have that too! It's fantastic not having to run out each time I need that special something.
But I gotta be honest, some times my scrap stash can be a little overwhelming. This is just a small part of my Christmas scrap stash:

Yes, all of these are actual "scraps." There isn't a full sheet of paper in this drawer, some of them are even as small as 1"x1"! I get into creative overload when I dig into things like this. It's kinda like the Kid in the Candy Store, a whole world of choices but only a dime to spend! In my case, I already have the entire world of choices, and my one dime is the fact that I can only make one card at a time! Where do I start?!?
Christmas paper is also one of my major downfalls. I have another 7-8 inches worth of full 12x12 sheets of Christmas paper that I'm not allowing myself to cut into until I've used more of my scraps. I will admit, though, that I will occasionally pull out the whole sheets and look through them to get into the creating spirit! And then, of course, I'll go back to my scrap stash and find I already have a cut piece of the same design as I was looking at in the full sheets!
How did I get so much paper, you ask? I worked at a stamping store here in town, and I was lucky enough to inherit all the scraps when it closed down in April. Now, when the owner said "I have some scraps for you to pick up" I was expecting maybe a small box or two. The "small box or two" turned out to be 7 wine-bottle boxes FULL of paper! Jackpot! It took about two months to go through everything and organize it by color, but it was definately worth the effort! Thanks again to Sue for her generosity! You rock!